
Kelli Leis

Hi I’m Kelli

I help people reclaim and rebuild their lives after severe emotional abuse and trauma. I help anyone heal from all types of traumas from narcissistic abuse to sports injury trauma , surgery trauma or accident trauma on the emotional level. I teach how to overcome codependency and heal the inner child so that you can not only reclaim your life but thrive in your ideal lifestyle.

I work with International Family Systems, The Polyvagal Theory Practices using parts work and Somatic Experiencing as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on a deep nervous system level.

Deeper than talk therapy, I process trauma out of the body, in your brain to be perceived and felt in a healthy way. Letting the body heal from all types of chronic illness and anxiety.

Having completed courses in Neuroscience, I possess an understanding of brain and body chemistry, the nervous system, and the chemicals within the body. I also provide guidance in regulating the nervous system and reducing the effects of stress and anxiety in the body, through the provision of tools/ worksheets and somatic experiencing.

As a trauma-informed high-performance somatic healing coach specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery, I am qualified to work worldwide with my accreditation being recognized on the highest level. So, the possibilities are endless for a tailored-to-healing journey!

Designations & Titles

Trauma-Informed High Performance Emotional and Somatic Healing Coach • Accredited & Certified Somatic Trauma Informed Coach™ • Narcissistic Abuse Specialist • Positive Psychology Practitioner or Therapist • Hypnotherapy Practitioner • Brain Spotting Practitioner • EMDR Practitioner • Cognitive Behavioral Therapist • Nonfiction Writer

Expertise and Specialization

My areas of expertise include healing the symptoms of CPTSD – Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by use of somatic relief reprocessing such as EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing and Brain Spotting. I teach how to regulate the nervous system and reduce the effects of stress on the body by providing tools and detailed training. These things influence our brain and body. I can help you to reverse the effects of CPTSD and PTSD by providing you with tools/worksheets or activities and the training to use those tools.

I specialize in healing your inner child and I am passionate about this. In addition, helping you heal from the confines of codependency. This is along with being a somatic trauma informed and narcissistic abuse recovery specialist. My main concern in all of this is to help people to cure or heal their inner child wounds as I found was key to my recovery from all the pain but not only this, mainly so that this will never happen to me again.

Background and Passion

What started out as my own healing journey, quickly turned into a calling to help others. Knowing how hard it is to find energy, time, or funding to start this journey, when you are in a trauma state; I wanted to make it possible for others to achieve this goal. When you feel you cannot even get out of bed in the morning, I want to say to you, stay in bed then and do the work from there! But let’s do this. I am here to help. I believe you and I understand it firsthand. There is no need to keep living in a painful or poor health situation. I feel so grateful that I was taught this valuable lesson and I can pass on this message to others, that there is a way out and it is not hard to achieve!!!

My passion for learning more and more about the effects of trauma in our lives and in our bodies led me down a path of further education and a desire to help others who suffer the consequences of past trauma including our childhood, the effects of people around us and the abuse you may have received by a narcissistic person in your life. Rest assured that if you choose to work with me, I have you covered and together we can make positive changes that will last a lifetime! This is not too good to be true. This is my life now. I have done the work for myself and healed so now I want to use my knowledge to help others by sharing this with you.

Personalized Coaching Approach

My coaching skills look at you as an individual, with compassion and understanding. Your wants and needs incorporating everything from inner child healing, current relationship, and everything in between. Once you begin to heal, you will notice positive differences between yourself inside and out. Most people can’t even fathom that there is such hope. You are feeling these effects because of the trauma in your life, and this is the focus of healing.

Understanding and Support

I understand deep down how unbelievably severe narcissistic abuse is and all the changes it brings. I know how devastating it is for you and your family. I know the struggles of a trauma bond and breaking free. I know it because I lived through it and now, I am free. I know how this abuse ruins your life as you know it, emotionally and financially and a lot of the times physically too. Whether you want to leave or stay in your situation, you will need the tools to do this and live your life to the fullest again. I can help you with this using somatic healing and the trauma informed approach. I will give you all the facts and answers tailor made for you. In a way that you are comfortable with. It is my wish that you would take comfort in this and just focus on your healing journey.

“Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.”

- Donna Barnes